The minutes of the meeting held April 1, 2021.
Also present were:
Dave Compston Jim Zimmerman
Steve Geiser
Mr. Joseph Rabatin called the meeting to order at 7:01 pm.
A motion to approve the March 4, 2021 regular meeting minutes was made by Mr. Daniel Hodge and seconded by Mr. Blake Meier with Mr. Joseph Rabatin concurring.
The Fiscal Officer presented the April Grassroots Clipping.
The Fiscal Officer presented the OTARMA update.
The Board approved bereavement for Mr. Dave Compston on March 29, 2021.
The Board approved vacation for Mr. Steve Geiser for April 12th through the 18th.
The Fiscal Officer informed the Board we received $7,963.02 from the Amish Steering Committee and presented the annual report to be sent to them.
A motion to approve March receipts totaling $571,726.77 and warrants 10739-10782 totaling $76,304.72, plus direct payments to the Wayne County Auditor of $21,092.66 for total expenditures of $97,397.38 and bank reconciliation and financial reports as submitted was made by Mr. Blake Meier and seconded by Mr. Daniel Hodge with Mr. Joseph Rabatin concurring.
A motion to pass Resolution 07-2021 as follows was made by Mr. Joseph Rabatin.
WHEREAS, the Board of Trustees adjourn into executive session to discuss personal matters per ORC 121.22(G)(1).
It was seconded by Mr. Daniel Hodge.
A roll call vote was taken:
Joseph Rabatin YES
Daniel Hodge YES
Blake Meier YES
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A motion to adjourn from executive session and return to regular session was made by Mr. Joseph Rabatin and seconded by Mr. Daniel Hodge with Mr. Blake Meier concurring.
Mr. Joseph Rabatin stated there was nothing to report at this time concerning the executive session.
Mr. Dave Compston and Mr. Steve Geiser presented the Roads and Bridges and Buildings and Grounds report. Mr. Compston informed the Board that the roller is using oil and also has a hydraulic leak at the cylinder. Mr. Compston informed the Board that rather then putting more money into repairs we should just scrap it and rent a roller for the Month that it is used every year for approximately $1,500.00 a Month. After discussion the Board decided to run the roller until it dies then start to rent one.
Mr. Compston informed the Board that all the #67’s ordered were in but we need to get 120 ton of hard #8 stone.
Mr. Compston informed the Board that the tree trimming was finished on Kansas and Welty Road.
Discussion was held regarding the need to talk to the residents on Secrest Road regarding tree trimming. A motion to approve up to $10,000.00 for all the tree trimming was made by Mr. Daniel Hodge and seconded by Mr. Joseph Rabatin with Mr. Blake Meier concurring.
A motion to participate in the 2021 ODOT salt purchasing program was made by Mr. Joseph Rabatin and seconded by Mr. Daniel Hodge with Mr. Blake Meier concurring.
A motion to order 600 tons of salt through the ODOT salt purchasing program was made by Mr. Joseph Rabatin and seconded by Mr. Blake Meier with Mr. Daniel Hodge concurring.
Mr. Joseph Rabatin informed the Board he received a call from Mr. Mark Raber about cleaning up from the ditching along his property. Mr. Compston stated he did clean up a little. Discussion was held regarding using the new ditcher and it was suggested to try using it when it is dryer. Mr. Daniel Hodge stated Mr. Jim Orr would like to be informed before we use the ditcher so he can clean up the trash before. Discussion was held regarding the clean up crews the Sherriff’s office used to have. Mr. Blake Meier stated he would check with the Wayne County Sherriff to see if they are still doing this.
Chief Zimmerman reported 28 squad runs, 9 fire runs, and 3 mutual aid totaling 193.00 run hours for March 2021 with an additional 78.00 training hours for March 2021.
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Chief Zimmerman informed the Board the cascade system is up and working and that they had to replace a CO sensor under warranty.
Chief Zimmerman informed the Board that Mr. Dave Compston, Mr. Jared Durstine, Mr. Brent Carr and Chief Zimmerman met with several different supplies regarding the thermal imagining camera replacements. Pricing as follows:
FLIR K65 – $5,495 w/trade
FLIR K55 – $4,995 w/trade
MSA 6000+ – $7,800
Bullard LDS – $7,295
Bullard TX4 – $8,895
Chief Zimmerman requested to purchase two of the FLIR K65 cameras with the Township paying for one and the Association paying for the other.
A motion to purchase one thermal imaging camera not to exceed $5,500.00 and if the Association does not approve to purchase the second the Township would purchase both was made by Mr. Daniel Hodge and seconded by Mr. Joseph Rabatin with Mr. Blake Meier concurring.
Chief Zimmerman informed the Board that the roof was leaking around the exhaust fan in the apparatus bay. After discussion a motion to approve to have several roofing companies look at it and repair the roof at the Station and Garage and Chief Zimmerman and Mr. Dave Compston’s discretion was made by Mr. Joseph Rabatin and seconded by Mr. Daniel Hodge with Mr. Blake Meier concurring.
Chief Zimmerman informed the Board that the free to resident’s house number signs has had a positive reaction. Chief Zimmerman informed the Board it has been advertised through Facebook, marque sign, flyers sent home with Apple Creek Elementary and Amish students, the Daily Record and WQKT. Chief Zimmerman stated he has heard tons of positive comments and appreciation for this service. Chief Zimmerman informed the Board that to date they have ordered 155, 13 for non-residents, and installed 127.
Chief Zimmerman informed the Board that he has asked Ohio Billing to change our billing profile to separate Scene Safety and Landing Zone but would like to not bill for Landing Zone. A motion to stop billing for landing zone was made by Mr. Joseph Rabatin and seconded by Mr. Blake Meier with Mr. Daniel Hodge concurring.
Discussion was held regarding the “Amish billing” at a reduced rate through Ohio Billing. Chief Zimmerman stated that Ms. Pam Sprowls with Ohio Billing is concerned with offering a discount to a religious group and recommending contracting with the Amish Church Funds. Discussion was also held regarding offering a prompt pay discount
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across the board. Chief Zimmerman will get with the area departments and research this more. Mr. Daniel Hodge stated he would check with Wooster Hospital about how they handle Amish billing. Chief Zimmerman further informed the Board that we could accept credit card payments through Ohio Billing for a flat fee of $21.00 per Month. It was decided to table any decision until more information is gathered.
Park Planning – Mr. Blake Meier informed the Board he talked to the Eagle Scout candidate and he is working on getting an advisor and a plan and material together. Mr. Meier stated he asked about funding and he gave him some suggestions. Mr. Joseph Rabatin informed the Board he spoke with Mr. Mike Rowe about the proposed softball field and told him to setup the whole field to see if we will have room.
Mr. Joseph Rabatin informed the Board that he spoke with some people who were allowing their young children to ride bikes on the trail unsupervised that the sign clearly stated no bikes. After discussion a motion to put up no bicycles at all four entrances to the trail was made by Mr. Daniel Hodge and seconded by Mr. Joseph Rabatin with Mr. Blake Meier concurring.
JEDD II – Nothing to report.
JEDD I – Nothing to report.
Speedway – Mr. Daniel Hodge informed the Board of an email stating that most of the site plan was done and awaiting ODOT approval.
A motion to approve the mowing contract with Mr. Jeff Sampsel for 2021 at the same rates as 2020 was made by Mr. Blake Meier and seconded by Mr. Daniel Hodge with Mr. Joseph Rabatin concurring.
Chief Zimmerman informed the Board he received a call from Mr. Brian Potts after the alert siren test that the siren on North Millborne went off but did not turn. After discussion Mr. Joseph Rabatin said he would get with Staley’s about getting it repaired.
The next regular meeting is scheduled for Thursday, May 6, 2021 at 7:00 pm at the Fire Station.
A motion to adjourn at 9:19 pm was made by Mr. Joseph Rabatin and seconded by Mr. Blake Meier with Mr. Daniel Hodge concurring.