The minutes of the meeting held July 1, 2021.
Also present were:
Jim Zimmerman
Mr. Joseph Rabatin called the regular meeting to order at 7:00 pm.
A motion to approve the June 3, 2021 regular meeting minutes was made by Mr. Daniel Hodge and seconded by Mr. Blake Meier, with Mr. Joseph Rabatin concurring.
The Fiscal Officer presented the June Grassroots Clipping.
The Fiscal Officer presented the Board with the Ohio 811 Annual Report.
The Board approved sick leave for Mr. Dave Compston June 30, 2021, and bereavement leave on June 21, 2021.
The Fiscal Officer presented the Board with the Board of Elections Kids Voting Ohio information.
The Fiscal Officer presented the Board with the Planet Aid host collection information. The approved to not allow the collection bin.
Discussion was held regarding possible ARP Funds with further discussion to follow after approval and regulations regarding use of the funds.
A motion to approve the 2022 Budget as follows was made by Mr. Daniel Hodge.
Revenue Expenditures
General Fund $188,425.00 $ 217,665.00
Motor Vehicle License $ 17,950.00 $ 71,500.00
Gasoline Excise $141,225.00 $ 306,000.00
Road and Bridge $435,050.00 $ 503,574.27
Fire District $550,504.00 $1,512,750.00
Permissive Motor Vehicle $ 16,900.00 $ 97,000.00
Special Revenue Park $ 4,000.00 $ 4,000.00
It was seconded by Mr. Blake Meier
A roll call vote was taken:
Blake Meier YES
Joseph Rabatin YES
Daniel Hodge YES
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A motion to approve receipts totaling $34,340.35 warrants 10840 – 10913 totaling $59,372.79 and bank reconciliation and financial reports as submitted was made by Mr. Blake Meier it was seconded by Mr. Joseph Rabatin with Mr. Daniel Hodge concurring.
Chief Zimmerman reported 30 squad runs, 3 fire runs, and 3 mutual aid for 148.00 run hours for June 2021 with an additional 74 training hours for June 2021.
Chief Zimmerman reported not squad or fire supplies needed.
Chief Zimmerman informed the Board that the annual preventative maintenance on the heart monitors, AED’s and pulse ox monitors was done through Biomedical.
Chief Zimmerman informed the Board he had annual fire pump test scheduled with 22 different trucks scheduled throughout the County coming to the Township Garage for combined testing.
Chief Zimmerman informed the Board that three new members, two EMT’s and 1 Fire are scheduled to begin classes soon.
Chief Zimmerman informed the Board that Mr. Jared Durstine had acquired an EMS grant for $4,093.36 through the Department of Public Safety and that it is a reimbursement grant.
Chief Zimmerman informed the Board that the Wayne County Special Response teams have been put on hold due to Wooster City not wanting to take on the rope rescue. It was tabled until the next Wayne County Fire Chiefs meeting. Mr. Daniel Hodge informed the Board he met with Commissioner Ron Amstutz to express the concern that there is no oversite of that Team by the EMA.
Discussion was held regarding allowing Ohio Billing to allow a 35% prompt pay discount to everyone that is transported. After discussion a motion was made by Mr. Joseph Rabatin to go with a 35% prompt pay discount if the Amish Community agrees. It was seconded by Mr. Daniel Hodge with Mr. Blake Meier concurring.
A motion to adjourn to executive session to discuss personal matters per ORC 121.22 (G) (1) was made by Mr. Joseph Rabatin. It was seconded by Mr. Daniel Hodge
A roll call vote was taken:
Joseph Rabatin YES
Daniel Hodge YES
Blake Meier YES
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A motion to adjourn from executive session and return to regular session was made by Mr. Joseph Rabatin. It was seconded by Mr. Blake Meier.
A roll call vote was taken:
Joseph Rabatin YES
Blake Meier YES
Daniel Hodge YES
A motion to approve the purchase of 500 ton of #67 stone was made by Mr. Blake Meier and seconded by Mr. Daniel Hodge with Mr. Joseph Rabatin concurring.
Chief Zimmerman presented the two chip and seal quotes. After discussion a motion to go with the quote from Melway for 14.9 miles of chip and seal for $248,862.42 was made by Mr. Daniel Hodge and seconded by Mr. Joseph Rabatin with Mr. Blake Meier concurring.
Discussion was held regarding sale/removal of the roller. After discussion it was decided to put a for sale sign on it and see what kind of offer if any is given. Mr. Joseph Rabatin stated he would check to see what type of scrap price we could get.
Park Planning – Mr. Blake Meier reported that the Eagle project was progressing but that they were having a hard time getting benches. Mr. Meier further informed the Board the Eagle Scout has the trees picked out and he does have an advisor.
JEDD II – Mr. Joseph Rabatin informed the Board there is a meeting scheduled for Wednesday, July 7, 2021 at 6:00 pm.
JEDD I – Mr. Daniel Hodge informed the Board that there is a meeting scheduled for Tuesday, August 3, 2021 at 6:00 pm.
Speedway – Mr. Joseph Rabatin informed the Board they are currently widening the road and that there is a zoom meeting scheduled for Thursday, August 8, 2021.
Mr. Joseph Rabatin informed the Board there was a siren issue when they tested and it didn’t turn at the training center siren. Mr. Rabatin further informed the Board he contacted Federal Signal and was informed there is a recall on the bearings and they will come sometime in August and replace them for free.
The Board approved a road bore.
Mr. Daniel Hodge informed the Board that the ZOYO Fire project is not really going to be boring on our roads. After discussion the Board decided to tell the County to inspect it and go from there regarding the RUMA Agreement.
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Mr. Daniel Hodge informed the Board he spoke with Wayne County Commissioner Ron Amstutz regarding mowing along the County roads and spraying for noxious weeds and need for it to be done in a timely manner.
The next regular meeting will be Thursday, August 5, 2021 at 7:00 pm at the Township Fire Station.
A motion to adjourn at 8:28 pm was made by Mr. Joseph Rabatin and seconded by Mr. Blake Meier with Mr. Daniel Hodge concurring.