The minutes of the meeting held May 4, 2023.
Also present were:
Dave Compston Jim Zimmerman
The regular meeting was called to order by Mr. Joseph Rabatin at 7:00 pm.
A motion to approve the April 6, 2023 regular meeting minutes was made by Mr. Daniel Hodge and seconded by Mr. Jim Miller with Mr. Joseph Rabatin concurring.
The Fiscal Officer presented the April and May Grassroots Clipping.
The Fiscal Officer informed the Board that she has heard nothing back from the Wayne County Prosecutor’s Office regarding the request submitted through the Matrix for the Road and Bridge levy renewal resolution and ballot language.
The Fiscal Officer presented the Board with the Charter Communications, Spectrum Mid-America, LLC letter regarding the Video Service Provider franchise fee. After discussion the Fiscal Officer was instructed to forward the Township Resolution approved for the 3% VSA fees to be collected on behalf of the Township.
The Fiscal Officer presented the Board with the Touch a Truck event scheduled for June 10, 2023 at the Library at the Apple Creek Historical Society from 11:00 am to 2:00 pm.
A motion to approve the indigent burial fee for Auble Funeral Home of $1,000.00 was made by Mr. Joseph Rabatin and seconded by Mr. Jim Miller with Mr. Daniel Hodge concurring.
The Board approved vacation for Chief Jim Zimmerman June 12, 2023 through June 16, 2023.
A motion to approve receipts totaling $77,411.34, warrants 11960 – 11999 totaling $54,239.56, and bank reconciliation and financial reports as submitted was made by Mr. Joseph Rabatin and seconded by Mr. Jim Miller with Mr. Daniel Hodge concurring.
Chief Zimmerman reported 32 squad runs, 11 fire runs, and 1 mutual aid for a total of 236.51 run hours for April 2023 with an additional 64 training hours for April 2023.
Chief Zimmerman informed the Board that Staley’s finished the MARC’s radio programing that needed to be done.
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Chief Zimmerman informed the Board that he had changed all the outside lights around the Station to red bulbs in honor of National Fallen Firefighter Foundation for the weekend.
Chief Zimmerman informed the Board that Yoder Builders came today and informed him the doors are at the finish shop and he was getting trim for the windows.
Chief Zimmerman informed the Board that the repair shop did not find anything wrong with 108’s turbo and is suggesting it may be an issue in the transmission.
Chief Zimmerman informed the Board that 101 has been having bigger oil spots and he had DMS come and look at it. Chief Zimmerman further informed the Board that DMS was researching on the drain box and when he came for annual truck maintenance and give his recommendation on how to proceed.
Chief Zimmerman informed the Board that Ms. Christine Mast was promoted to a full-fledged member of the Department.
Chief Zimmerman informed the Board that he found out that Wooster Township was hard billing our residents when they did a mutual aid call for us. Chief Zimmerman requested Chief Terrell to ask his Board to approve to soft bill our residents when the are called for mutual aid for us because that is what we do for their mutual aid calls. Chief Zimmerman stated that their Board of Trustees agreed to soft billing our residents when we call them for mutual aid.
Discussion was held regarding Ohio Billing’s operating procedures, after discussion it was decided to leave it as it is now.
Chief Zimmerman informed the Board that a set of turnout gear is $3,603.00, and that he would get a plan then come back to the Board as to how to proceed with replacing them.
Chief Zimmerman informed the Board he was going to reach out to Wayne County Commissioner Sue Smail to address the Building Department’s lack of adhering to the fire code regulations and not enforcing it.
Chief Zimmerman informed the Board he received a report from Glenridge’s previous maintenance person about electrical, health and sewage hazards. Chief Zimmerman instructed him to launch a complaint with the State Fire Marshalls office to begin the process of addressing these issues.
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Chief Zimmerman informed the Board that the Department received a grant for $13,500.00 from TC Energy and thanked Trustee Joseph Rabatin for pointing him in their direction.
Chief Zimmerman informed the Board that Trustee Jim Miller pointed him in the direction for a property on Lincolnway to allow the Department to install a dry hydrant. A motion to approve up to $4,000.00 for material for a dry hydrant was made by Mr. Joseph Rabatin and seconded by Mr. Jim Miller with Mr. Daniel Hodge concurring.
Mr. Dave Compston presented the Road and Bridge and Buildings and Grounds report. The Board approved a road bore on Lautenschlager Road west of Kansas Road.
The Fiscal Officer was instructed to get financing numbers from Republic First National for the dump truck with snow plow body the Board approved to purchase through State Bid pricing.
Mr. Compston presented the quote from Melway Paving for the chip and seal of 8.4 miles for a total of $177,986.63. A motion to approve $177,986.63 to Melway Paving for the 2023 chip and seal was made by Mr. Jim Miller and seconded by Mr. Joseph Rabatin with Mr. Daniel Hodge concurring.
The Fiscal Officer presented Mr. Compston with the letter from the Village of Apple Creek regarding the backflow prevention testing requirements.
Mr. Dave Compston informed the Board that a frame was needed for the salt shed for $3,200.00 but that the tarp was ordered. A motion to approve $3,200.00 for a frame for the salt shed was made by Mr. Joseph Rabatin and seconded by Mr. Jim Miller with Mr. Daniel Hodge concurring.
Mr. Dave Compston informed the Board that Russell Tree Service quoted him $280.00 per hour for tree removal.
Park Planning – Mr. Joseph Rabatin informed the Board he received a letter from Waynedale softball that he forwarded to the grant people.
JEDD II – Nothing to report.
JEDD I – Mr. Daniel Hodge informed the Board the met on April 13, 2023 with Mayor Rodney Mackey, Mr. Reuben Troyer, and the owner of the property and was informed that the egg business he has up there is growing.
Mr. Joseph Rabatin asked the Board if they wanted to proceed with the zoning request brought before the Board. After discussion a motion to not proceed with zoning was
made by Mr. Jim Miller and seconded by Mr. Joseph Rabatin with Mr. Daniel Hodge concurring.
Mr. Jim Miller and Mr. Daniel Hodge will meet to see about stump and brush removal to access the Weaver Cemetery behind Magni-Power.
The next regular meeting will be Thursday, June 1, 2023 at 7:00 pm at the Fire Station.
A motion to adjourn at 8:10 pm was made by Mr. Joseph Rabatin and seconded by Mr. Jim Miller with Mr. Daniel Hodge concurring.