Record of Proceedings December 29, 2020


The minutes of the meeting held December 29, 2020.


Also present were:

            Jim Zimmerman                               Dave Compston

            Steve Geiser                                     Jon Orr

Mr. Daniel Hodge called aggregation meeting to order at 5:30 pm.

A motion to approve the December 3, 2020 regular meeting minutes was made by Mr. Daniel Hodge and seconded by Mr. Joseph Rabatin with Mr. Blake Meier concurring.

Mr. Jon Orr addressed the Board regarding the recent ditching done with the new ditch mower.  Mr. Orr stated that he does not like the new ditcher and he kindly asked that we not use it on any of their property.  Mr. Daniel Hodge asked Mr. Orr to explain further.  Mr. Orr stated that first he felt it was the wrong time of year to be doing ditching because of erosion and sediment control, second he felt it threw dirt too far into his field creating dirt clods that could plug his machinery, and third he needed a group of boy scouts to come and clean up all of the trash that was thrown from the ditch.  Mr. Blake Meier stated that we would just not dig in your ditches with it.  Mr. Dave Compston asked if he was going to be given a map of where he should not use the ditcher.  After discussion, Mr. Daniel Hodge informed Mr. Orr that the Board would take his opinion under advisement.

The Fiscal Officer presented the Board with the December Grassroots Clipping.

The Board approved time off for Mr. Steve Geiser December 30, 2020 through January 1, 2021, and January 7, 2021 through January 11, 2021.

A motion to pass Resolution 18-2020 as follows was made by Mr. Daniel Hodge

From:   Account Number                     Amount           To:       Account Number         Amount


2272-290-740-0000    $ 5,897.24                               2272-290-420-0000                $ 5,897.24

Machinery, Equipment & Furniture                           Operating Supplies

Total                                                    $1,737.23                   

To cover CARES ACT Funds to be spent for approve purchases.    


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            1000-760-740-0000                $ 400.00          1000-120-310-0000                $ 400.00

            Machinery Equipment & Furniture                Professional & Technical Services

To cover Staley’s alert siren preventative maintenance.

It was seconded by Mr. Joseph Rabatin.

A roll call vote was taken:

            Daniel Hodge           YES

            Joseph Rabatin        YES

            Blake Meier               YES

A motion to pass temporary appropriations as follows was made by Mr. Joseph Rabatin.

                        General Fund                                   $   230,506.00

                        Motor Vehicle License Tax             $   102,700.00

                        Gasoline Excise Tax                        $   352,600.00

                        Road and Bridge                              $   796,100.00

                        Fire District                                        $1,382,500.00

                        Permissive Motor Vehicle              $   108,750.00

                        Coronavirus Relief Fund                $       7,623.94

                        Park Special Revenue                    $     17,400.00

                        Total Temporary Appropriations   $2,998,179.84

It was seconded by Mr. Daniel Hodge.

A roll call vote was taken

            Joseph Rabatin        YES

            Daniel Hodge           YES

            Blake Meier               YES

A motion to approve receipts totaling $48,596.54 warrants 10538 – 10604 totaling $115,867.21 and financial reports as submitted was made by Mr. Daniel Hodge and seconded by Mr. Blake Meier with Mr. Joseph Rabatin concurring.

Mr. Daniel Hodge asked Mr. Dave Compston how the snow plowing was going.  Mr. Compston informed the Board it went well.

Mr. Daniel Hodge asked how the fuel tank project was going and was informed that the electrical was done and it should be complete soon.


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Mr. Joseph Rabatin informed the Board that Mr. Brian Phillips had called regarding the ditch work done but he was calmed down after the conversation.  Mr. Rabatin further stated that Mr. Nathan Pompay contacted his also regarding the ditcher and said the Board will discuss it later.

Mr. Dave Compston informed the Board he had to order new shoes and blades for the plows.

Chief Zimmerman informed the Board that all of the CARES ACT Funds had been used.

Mr. Daniel Hodge stated that there was a question regarding bereavement pay in the Employee Handbook.  After discussion, a motion to pay Mr. Steve Geiser for bereavement for the loss of his daughter, and reimburse Mr. Dave Compston for bereavement pay for the loss of his Mother back in 2014 which was taken from his sick leave was made by Mr. Daniel Hodge and seconded by Mr. Joseph Rabatin with Mr. Blake Meier concurring.

Discussion was held regarding when to hold the organizational and regular meeting.  After discussion, the organizational meeting was scheduled for Thursday, January 14, 2021 at 7:00 at the Fire Station.

Mr. Dave Compston was instructed to get estimates for tree trimming needed along the Township Roads.

A motion to adjourn at 6:27 pm was made by Mr. Daniel Hodge and seconded by Mr. Joseph Rabatin with Mr. Blake Meier concurring.