Record Of Proceedings Jan 10, 2019


The minutes of the meeting held January 10, 2019.


Also present were:

              Dave Compston                                     Steve Geiser

              Jim Zimmerman

The organizational meeting was called to order by Mr. Joseph Rabatin at 7:00 pm.

A motion to Appoint Mr. Blake Meier as Chairman for 2019, and Mr. Daniel Hodge as Vice Chairman for 2019 was made by Mr. Joseph Rabatin and seconded by Mr. Daniel Hodge with Mr. Blake Meier concurring.

A motion to set the mileage rate at .58 cents per mile, use the Wayne County Prosecutor’s office as the primary legal counsel, agree that all matters brought before the Board will be acted upon as a Board, allow the Board to use force account for Township Road Maintenance if necessary, and the regular meetings for the first Thursday of each month at 7:00 pm was made by Mr. Daniel Hodge.  It was seconded by Mr. Blake Meier with Mr. Joseph Rabatin concurring.

Duties were agreed upon as follows:

              JEDD I Representative         Mr. Daniel Hodge

              JEDD II Representative        Mr. Joseph Rabatin

              Matrix Contact Person          Mr. Joseph Rabatin

              Park Planning Committee    Mr. Blake Meier

              Fire Department Liaison       Mr. Daniel Hodge

              Wayne County liaison           Mr. Joseph Rabatin

              Road Department Liaison    Mr. Blake Meier

A motion to adjourn the organizational meeting at 7:05 pm was made by Mr. Blake Meier and seconded by Mr. Daniel Hodge with Mr. Joseph Rabatin concurring.

Mr. Blake Meier called the regular meeting to order at 7:05 pm.

A motion to approve the December 27, 2018 year end meeting minutes was made by Mr. Daniel Hodge and seconded by Mr. Joseph Rabatin with Mr. Blake Meier concurring.

The Fiscal Officer presented the Board with the zoning memo from Ms. Jane Carmichael.

The Fiscal Officer presented the January Grassroots Clipping.


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The Fiscal Officer presented the Board with the year-end balance certificate.

The Fiscal Officer presented the 2019 Schedule B from the Wayne County Auditor.

A motion to approve receipts totaling $37,233.27, warrants 9313 – 9405 totaling $228,629.15 and January receipts of $1,450.48 warrants 9406 – 9426 totaling $22,994.72 and bank reconciliation and financial reports as submitted was made by Mr. Daniel Hodge and seconded by Mr. Joseph Rabatin with Mr. Blake Meier concurring.

A motion to adjourn to executive session to discuss personal matters and to review employee compensation per ORC 121.22 (G) was made by Mr. Blake Meier.  It was seconded by Mr. Daniel Hodge

A roll call vote was taken:

              Joseph Rabatin          YES

              Blake Meier                   YES

              Daniel Hodge             YES

A motion to adjourn executive session and return to regular session was made by Mr. Daniel Hodge.  It was seconded by Mr. Joseph Rabatin.

A roll call vote was taken:

              Joseph Rabatin          YES

              Blake Meier                   YES

              Daniel Hodge             YES

Mr. Daniel Hodge stated that raises were discussed and thanked Chief Zimmerman, Mr. Dave Compston, and Mr. Steve Geiser for their hard work and dedication.  Mr. Hodge further stated that the Board appreciated the good job they have been doing, and all the training they had completed.

A motion to give Chief Zimmerman a $6,000.00 raise and Mr. Dave Compston and Mr. Steve Geiser a 3% raise, to give Mr. Steve Geiser 2.3 hours of vacation for every 80 hours worked, change the vacation renewal to January of every year, and allow employees to carry over one week of vacation per year was made by Mr. Daniel Hodge and seconded by Mr. Joseph Rabatin with Mr. Blake Meier concurring.

Chief Zimmerman reported 30 squad runs, 5 fire runs, and 5 mutual aid for a total of 152.00 run hours for December 2018 with an additional 26 additional training hours for December 2018.

A motion to approve squad supplies of $484.61 was made by Mr. Joseph Rabatin and seconded by Mr. Daniel Hodge with Mr. Blake Meier concurring.


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A motion to approve fire supplies for the purchase of file cabinets and plastic chair mats not to exceed $500.00 was made by Mr. Joseph Rabatin and seconded by Mr. Daniel Hodge with Mr. Blake Meier concurring.

A motion to allow spending limits up to $1,000.00 per incident not to exceed $3,000.00 per month for Chief Zimmerman and the Road Department was made by Mr. Daniel Hodge and seconded by Mr. Joseph Rabatin with Mr. Blake Meier concurring.

Chief Zimmerman informed the Board that the annual SCBA flow testing is usually done in March, however one has a warranty issue so they will waive the service charge if they do the annual testing now.  A motion to approve $1,150.00 for SCBA testing was made by Mr. Daniel Hodge and seconded by Mr. Joseph Rabatin with Mr. Blake Meier concurring.

Chief Zimmerman presented the 2018 Fire Department review.  It will be posted as a link on the Township website.

Chief Zimmerman informed the Board he had received a $10,000.00 grant from TransCanada for fire and ems communications updates.

Chief Zimmerman informed the Board that the contract with Kidron VFD should be approved at their meeting Tuesday, January 15, 2019.

Chief Zimmerman informed the Board he and Assistant Chief Dave Compston would be attending the NIMS (National Incident Management System) training next week at the EMA office in Wooster.

Mr. Dave Compston presented the Board with an email from Mr. Jonathan Barron with EADS Group to hold a conference call with him, Township Representatives, and Wayne County Planning regarding road improvements on Vine Street and Bixler Avenue. 

A motion to pass Resolution 3-2019 as follows was made by Mr. Blake Meier.

WHEREAS, the Board of East Union Township requests legal counsel for the ability to expend Township Funds for a private industry request from Speedway for road improvements on Vine Street and Bixler Avenue to allow for their gas station/convenience store to be built.  The Board further appoints Mr. Joseph Rabatin as the contact person with this request.

It was seconded by Mr. Daniel Hodge.

A roll call vote was taken:

              Blake Meier                   YES

              Daniel Hodge             YES

              Joseph Rabatin          YES


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Mr. Dave Compston informed the Board that a Bell Store will be going in where the Harvest Market had been.  Mr. Compston further informed the Board it would have five pumps and a Hunt Brothers pizza in it.

Mr. Dave Compston informed the Board that they have been clearing the trees along Lautenschlager Road that were in the road right of way and adding a berm and ditch along the road.  Mr. Compston stated the need to get pricing from Apple Creek Tree Service and Kidron Tree Service to remove several trees that were too large for him to take down.

Mr. Steve Geiser informed the Board he would like to get another 1000 ton of stone before the price goes up in March.  A motion to order 1000 tons of #67 stone was made by Mr. Blake Meier and seconded by Mr. Daniel Hodge with Mr. Joseph Rabatin concurring.

Chief Zimmerman informed the Board that the Wayne County Chiefs meeting has been moved to every other month at lunch.  After discussion the Board agreed to allow him to expense his lunch for required meetings.

Mr. Dave Compston informed the Board there was no further update for the AT&F project.

Discussion was held regarding the berming work done along Lautenschlager Road.  Mr. Steve Geiser stated that it had to be done because the water run off was creating issues on the road so berming and ditches needed to be done.  Mr. Daniel Hodge stated he would contact the resident who was upset and discuss why this had to be done.

Mr. Daniel Hodge informed the Board that he and Mr. Steve Geiser had met with Mr. Brian Gwin regarding the 6 tenths of a mile that should be reopened to allow for non-motorized and emergency vehicles to get to Millborne Road.

A motion to approve Resolution 2-2019 as follows was made by Mr. Daniel Hodge.

WHEREAS the Board of East Union Township requests legal counsel for the ability to expend Township Funds to maintain an East Union Trail for non-motorized and emergency vehicles.  The Board further appoints Mr. Joseph Rabatin as the contact person regarding this request.

It was seconded by Mr. Blake Meier.

A roll call vote was taken:

              Daniel Hodge             YES

              Blake Meier                   YES

              Joseph Rabatin          YES


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Mr. Blake Meier informed the Board that the Park Planning Committee was trying to get a meeting with Mr. Larry Orr regarding completion of the second phase of the walking path.

Mr. Joseph Rabatin informed the Board there were 10 residents at the JEDD II meeting to discuss their displeasure with the replacement of the ground and grass after the sewer project.  Mr. Rabatin further informed the Board that the Village of Apple Creek is checking with their Solicitor to see if they can use the bond to hire someone else to make the project correct.

Mr. Blake Meier informed the Board he scheduled his pesticide training for Tuesday, January 15, 2019 at a cost of $109.00.  Mr. Meier further informed the Board that Mr. Dave Compston would be completing his training on March 14, 2019.

Mr. Daniel Hodge informed the Board that the Wooster Hospital meeting was scheduled for Wednesday, January 23, 2019 at 7:00 pm.

Mr. Joseph Rabatin presented the Board with the 2018 year in review for the Township and asked to have it posted on the Township website.

The next regular meeting will be Thursday, February 7, 2019 at 7:00 pm at the Fire Station.

A motion to adjourn at 9:35 pm was made by Mr. Joseph Rabatin and seconded by Mr. Blake Meir with Mr. Daniel Hodge concurring.

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