The minutes of the meeting held July 2, 2020.
Also present were:
Steve Geiser Jim Zimmerman
Dave Compston Mike Raymond
Mr. Joseph Rabatin called the regular meeting to order at 7:00 pm.
A motion to approve the June 4, 2020 regular meeting minutes was made by Mr. Daniel Hodge and seconded by Mr. Blake Meier, with Mr. Joseph Rabatin concurring.
The Fiscal Officer presented the July Grassroots Clipping.
The Fiscal Officer presented the Board with the OTARMA update.
The Board approved vacation for Chief Zimmerman July 13, 2020 through July 17, 2020.
The Fiscal Officer informed the Board that the required Public Records and Sunshine Law training was being offered October 20, 2020 in Wooster at the Tri County Educational Center. A motion to approve Fiscal Officer Valorie Lewis to attend the training for herself and as designee for Trustee Joseph Rabatin, Trustee Blake Meier, and Trustee Daniel Hodge was made by Mr. Joseph Rabatin it was seconded by Mr. Daniel Hodge with Mr. Blake Meier concurring. Trustee Meier stated he may attend the training also and was to let the Fiscal Officer know so she could register him.
The Fiscal Officer presented the Board with the letter from the Wayne County Board of Elections informing the Township it planned to hold in person voting for the November 3, 2020 election.
The Fiscal Officer informed the Board that the Township share of the Wayne County Health Department for 2021 was estimated at $23,195.83.
The Fiscal Officer informed the Board that the State Auditor with no issues, citations, or suggestions given had approved the 2018-2019 audit.
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A motion to approve the 2021 Budget as follows was made by Mr. Blake Meier:
Revenue Expenditures
General Fund $175,250.00 $206,711.00
Motor Vehicle License $ 17,980.00 $ 84,000.00
Gasoline Excise $140,650.00 $217,000.00
Road and Bridge $391,450.00 $642,510.00
Fire District $538,400.00 $798,960.00
Permissive Motor Vehicle $ 16,350.00 $112,000.00
Special Revenue Park $ 4,000.00 $ 33,000.00
It was seconded by Mr. Joseph Rabatin.
A roll call vote was taken:
Blake Meier YES
Joseph Rabatin YES
Daniel Hodge YES
A motion to approve receipts totaling $21,238.35 warrants 10303 – 10347 Mr. Daniel Hodge it was seconded by Mr. Blake Meier with Mr. Joseph Rabatin concurring made totaling $58,809.86 and bank reconciliation and financial reports as submitted.
Chief Zimmerman reported 34 squad runs, 3 fire runs, and 2 mutual aid for 146.00 run hours for June 2020 with an additional 126 training hours for June 2020.
Chief Zimmerman informed the Board that the Department members were doing an awesome job responding to calls since they have gone back to a normal schedule.
Chief Zimmerman informed the Board that hose testing went well, but they had to replace a 50’section of 1 ¾” and 25’ and 100’ LDH hose due to not passing hose test.
A motion to approve 886.91 in squad supplies was made by Mr. Joseph Rabatin and seconded by Mr. Daniel Hodge with Mr. Blake Meier concurring.
A motion to approve up to $600.00 in fire supplies to purchase a new reciprocating saw and batteries was made by Mr. Daniel Hodge and seconded by Mr. Blake Meier with Mr. Joseph Rabatin concurring.
Chief Zimmerman informed the Board that he had preventative maintenance with Biomedical on the monitors and pulse ox etc. in the squads for approximately $1,200.00 and repair of two chainsaws at Schlabach Engine for around $500.00. The Board approved these purchases.
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Chief Zimmerman informed the Board that Most Paving had started the crack sealing and resealing of the Fire Station parking lot. Chief further stated they had done one-half and were coming tomorrow to do the other half.
Chief Zimmerman informed the Board that the power load cot system on the new squad is still acting up and that Stryker and Pfund are working on the issue.
Chief Zimmerman informed the Board that the Department promoted two new Lieutenants Mr. Mike Raymond and Mr. Matt Compston.
Chief Zimmerman informed the Board that Mr. Cody Knox passed his EMT Certification.
Chief Zimmerman informed the Board that the Department was awarded the Ohio Department of Public Safety EMS Grant for $3,836.23.
Chief Zimmerman informed the Board of a situation with Sugarcreek Township approving him to be their Fire Prevention Officer because of a retirement on the Kidron Department. Chief Zimmerman informed the Board he would be resigning this because of the legal implications, but he may need to attend their next Township meeting.
Chief Zimmerman informed the Board that he received a tip about the Corbon Company, which was occupying the old Buss Farm Supply building and possible building code violations because they are manufacturing ammunition. Chief Zimmerman stated he and another had stopped and an employee allowed them access to the building and there are many code violations going on. Chief Zimmerman further informed the Board he was working with the Building Department and the State of Ohio Fire Marshall’s Office to address the issues.
A motion to allow Chief Zimmerman to change his July 4th holiday to Friday July 10th was made by Mr. Joseph Rabatin and seconded by Mr. Daniel Hodge with Mr. Blake Meier concurring.
Discussion was held regarding whether or not to participate in the Federal CARES Act COVID 19 funding. After discussion the Board decided due to the fact we have not incurred many expenses related to COVID19 and the amount of facts still up in the air on what the funds can be used for the Board would not request any of those funds. A motion to not participate in the CARES Act Funding was made by Mr. Blake Meier and seconded by Mr. Joseph Rabatin with Mr. Daniel Hodge concurring.
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Mr. Dave Compston and Mr. Steve Geiser presented the Roads and Bridges and Buildings and Grounds report. Mr. Compston informed the Board needed to purchase more stone. A motion to purchase 1000 ton #67 stone from Lil John was made by Mr. Blake Meier and seconded by Mr. Joseph Rabatin with Mr. Daniel Hodge concurring.
A motion to purchase 1000 ton #8 stone from Leroy Kandel Trucking was made by Mr. Daniel Hodge and seconded by Mr. Blake Meier with Mr. Joseph Rabatin concurring.
Mr. Joseph Rabatin informed the Board that the girl’s softball coaches still had not marked out where they wanted the softball field at the East Union Park and because of this he suggested that the Park Planning layout phase two of the walking path and softball would have to work around that.
Mr. Joseph Rabatin asked if the Road Department could level out the drive by the legion field, smooth it out so it was easier to use.
Mr. Compston informed the Board that someone hit the bridge on Welty Road by Mr. Tom Orr’s place. Mr. Compston informed the Board that is a County bridge but he had put up cones to notify drivers.
Mr. Joseph Rabatin stated he wanted it noted that due to the flood last year and the budget constraint of this year we are not doing the bridge repair on Barnard Road this year. Mr. Rabatin stated we would keep it on the list for future repair.
A motion to adjourn to executive session to discuss personal matter per ORC 121.22(g)(1) was made by Mr. Joseph Rabatin.
It was seconded by Mr. Daniel Hodge.
A roll call vote was taken:
Joseph Rabatin YES
Daniel Hodge YES
Blake Meier YES
A motion to adjourn from executive session and return to general session was made by Mr. Joseph Rabatin.
It was seconded by Mr. Blake Meier
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A roll call vote was taken:
Joseph Rabatin YES
Blake Meier YES
Daniel Hodge YES
Mr. Rabatin stated that the Board discussed the vacation policy and are making the following wording change on page 17, change to time off instead of paid time off, on page 18 change to paid or unpaid. Mr. Rabatin further stated that the Board would like to clarify whether full or part time, the Board would like to be informed when an employee is taking time off.
Mr. Joseph Rabatin informed the Board that the electric aggregation letters had been mailed out.
Mr. Blake Meier informed the Board he would call a meeting of the Park Planning Committee to layout the second phase of the walking path.
Mr. Joseph Rabatin informed the Board that JEDD II was scheduled to meet on Wednesday, July 8, 2020.
Discussion was held regarding JEDD I and to have the Village check to see that all businesses operating up there are paying their 1% income tax. Mr. Rabatin stated he would attend the Village Council meeting to discuss this issue.
Mr. Joseph Rabatin informed the Board that the noxious weed complaints by Mr. Tim Badge had been taken care of after he contacted Mr. John Bolen’s land representative about getting it mowed.
Mr. Rabatin informed the Board that Mr. Steven Colich’s property on McQuaid Road has been mowed and should continue to be mowed regularly.
Mr. Blake Meier informed the Board that Mr. Mike Buss with the Apple Creek Cemetery Association had contacted him about getting 3 ton of #8 stone to use for straightening some headstones. After discussion, a motion to approve giving 3 ton of #8 stone to the Apple Creek Cemetery Association was made by Mr. Joseph Rabatin and seconded by Mr. Daniel Hodge with Mr. Blake Meier concurring.
The next regular meeting will be Thursday, August 6, 2020 at 7:00 pm at the Township Fire Station.
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A motion to adjourn at 9:25 pm was made by Mr. Joseph Rabatin and seconded by Mr. Daniel Hodge with Mr. Blake Meier concurring.