Record of Proceedings November 3, 2022


The minutes of the meeting held November 3, 2022.


Also present were:

          Jim Zimmerman                                    Matt Compston                                     Mike Raymond                                      Kathleen Taylor                                     Dale Taylor

Mr. Daniel Hodge called the meeting to order at 6:58 pm.

A motion to approve the October 6, 2022 regular meeting minutes was made by Mr. Jim Miller and seconded by Mr. Joseph Rabatin with Mr. Daniel Hodge concurring.

Mr. & Mrs. Dale Taylor informed the Board that they were installing a fence on their property and it would be 45 feet from the road right of way.  Mr. Taylor informed the Board of their flooding issues ever since Wayne County redid the bridge.  Mr. Mike Raymond informed the Taylors that before any ditch work or repair work could be done they would need to contact the Wayne County Engineer’s office to discuss options.  Mr. Daniel Hodge stated they should see what they can get done with the Wayne County Engineer’s office then the Township can ditch if needed.

The Fiscal Officer presented the November Grassroots Clipping.

The Fiscal Officer presented the Tri County Delivery Service information.

The Board approved vacation for Mr. Dave Compston on October 17, 2022.

A motion to approve the 2023 health insurance rates and approve them for all elected officials and employees was made by Mr. Jim Miller and seconded by Mr. Joseph Rabatin with Mr. Daniel Hodge concurring.

Discussion was held regarding paying the Trustees salary and benefits from multiple funds due to the new insurance rates and the balance in the General Fund.  Chief Jim Zimmerman requested the Board not look at the Fire Fund as their nest egg.  Chief Zimmerman further stated that he understood why the Board was doing it but to remember the coffer is there for strategic reasons and he does not want to see it gone.

The Township may only allocate monies from Special Funds according to the law.  Because of their fiduciary duties the Trustees wages can be assessed accordingly to each fund.  After further discussion a motion to pay the Trustee salary and benefits at 34% General Fund, 33% Road and Bridge and 33% Fire District beginning January


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2023 for a limited time to allow the General Fund to build back up was made by Mr. Daniel Hodge and seconded by Mr. Jim Miller with Mr. Joseph Rabatin concurring.

The Fiscal Officer reminded the Board of the meeting scheduled for 5:30 pm Tuesday, November 8, 2022 at Wayne County Commissioners meeting held by Wayne County Auditor Ms. Jarra Underwood.

A motion to approve Resolution 32-2022 as follows was made by Mr. Daniel Hodge.

A Resolution of Approval to amend the appropriations within a fund by modifying the following appropriations from one account to another within the fund:

From:  Account Number                    Amount           To:      Account Number            Amount


2111-760-740-0000    $8,000.00                                2111-220-215-0000                $8,000.00

Machinery, Equipment & Furniture                           Ohio Police & Fire Pension Fund

                                                                                    Total                                       $8,000.00       

To cover police & fire pension fees through year end.


2031-330-360-0000    $ 200.00                                  2031-330-322-0000                $200.00

Contracted Services                                                    Garbage & Trash Removal

To cover garbage and trash removal through year end.

It was seconded by Mr. Joseph Rabatin.

A roll call vote was taken:

          Joseph Rabatin       YES

          Jim Miller                YES

          Daniel Hodge          YES


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A motion to approve October 2022 receipts of $43,239.98, warrants 11674 – 11712 for $104,415.99, and bank reconciliation and financial reports as submitted was made by Mr. Daniel Hodge and seconded by Mr. Joseph Rabatin with Mr. Jim Miller concurring.

Mr. Mike Raymond presented the Road and Bridge and Buildings and Grounds report.  Mr. Mike Raymond informed the Board that the trucks have been serviced and Mr. Compston will be taking them to Good’s for undercoating.

Mr. Mike Raymond informed the Board they were working on getting the salt shed filled before it starts snowing.

Mr. Mike Raymond informed the Board he can work part-time this winter; however, he does have some vacations planned.  Mr. Raymond further informed the Board he would start back with the State in March.

A motion to accept the resignation of Mr. Matt Compston effective November 12, 2022 was made by Mr. Daniel Hodge and seconded by Mr. Joseph Rabatin with Mr. Jim Miller concurring.  The Board expressed its gratitude for the year of service Mr. Compston had given the Township and wished him well.

Mr. Daniel Hodge informed the Board he had talked to Salt Creek Trustees, as did Mr. Jim Miller, and everyone felt it worked will sharing an employee.  After discussion Mr. Jim Miller informed the Board he would draw up a job description and plan to attend Salt Creek Townships meeting scheduled for Monday, November 21, 2022 to come up with a plan to replace Mr. Matt Compston.

Chief Zimmerman reported 43 calls in October but he didn’t have time to run the hours due to getting ready for the Haystack Dinner and Auction scheduled for November 11, 2022.  Chief Zimmerman informed the Board that the volunteers were awesome in the response and efforts, and would like to thank Wooster Township for their help on a crash during the Amish Safety Day and then coming to help serve lunch.

Chief Zimmerman informed the Board he was still waiting on doors and windows to be installed.

Discussion was held regarding the need to replace the refrigerator and stove in the kitchen.  Chief Zimmerman informed the Board the Association was going to pay to replace the refrigerator in the apparatus bay.  A motion to approve up to $3,000.00 to replace the refrigerator and stove in the kitchen was made by Mr. Jim Miller and seconded by Mr. Daniel Hodge with Mr. Joseph Rabatin concurring.


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Chief Zimmerman informed the Board that Mr. Matt Compston resigned a lieutenant and Chief stated he would like to thank him for his two years at lieutenant and all his dedication.  Chief Zimmerman informed the Board that the Association approved Mr. Jacob Burkholder and Mr. Ben Troyer as lieutenants at their meeting last night.

Chief Zimmerman informed the Board he scheduled a trench rescue class for March and that normally the Association pays for training, but the Board is responsible to pay $2,500.00 to the Wayne County Response Board so this would cover that cost.  Chief Zimmerman further informed the Board he was waiting on a quote for training in hazmat also.

Chief Zimmerman stated he would like to thank Assistant Chief Dave Compston for spear heading the Amish Safety Training Day at the regional training center.  Chief Zimmerman informed the Board they had over 260 people attend, they had 250 students plus adults in addition.

Chief Zimmerman informed the Board that Mr. Jim Miller participated in the Feel the Heat training.  Mr. Miller stated it was an eye opener for him and he appreciated being able to participate.  Mr. Miller further stated he feels this should be mandatory for all elected officials.

Chief Zimmerman requested that he and Mr. Dave Compston be able to move their Veterans Day holiday to the day after Thanksgiving.  The Board approved their request.

Park Planning – Mr. Joseph Rabatin informed the Board he talked to Mr. Brian Orr and was told we could use dirt to do the tier seating area at the Legion Field.  Mr. Rabatin said we could get some volunteers and work together with the Historical Society and get that project done.  After discussion a motion to have Mr. Joseph Rabatin be the coordinator for this project on behalf of the Board was made by Mr. Jim Miller and seconded by Mr. Daniel Hodge

JEDD II – Mr. Jim Miller informed they Board that the Committee met and approved to have Mayor Mackey work with Bricker & Eckler attorneys to draft a letter from the JEDD II Board requesting the police protection be turned over to the Village of Apple Creek.

Chief Zimmerman informed the Board that the Association purchased a large smart TV using memorial funds given in honor of Mrs. Sharon Stoffer.  Chief Zimmerman further stated they were going to add web cams for meeting and training remotely.

JEDD I – Nothing to report.

A motion to accept the quick claim deeds for responsibility and care of the cemeteries of the German Reformed Church and the Evangelical Lutheran Church and The Red Run


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Cemetery Association was made by Mr. Daniel Hodge and seconded by Mr. Joseph Rabatin with Mr. Jim Miller concurring.

Discussion was held regarding the legal opinion from Ms. Barbara Biro regarding the Weaver Cemetery quick claim deed.  After discussion a motion to go with option 1. As follows:  legal descriptions on the below referenced Deeds can be used with needed exception legal (0.194 ac for parcel 27-01906) and we will Red Stamp stating a survey is required prior to next transfer was made by Mr. Joseph Rabatin and seconded by Mr. Jim Miller with Mr. Daniel Hodge concurring.

Discussion was held regarding Mr. Jeremey Miller and his threat to our citizens.  After discussion Mr. Joseph Rabatin stated he would email Wayne County Prosecutor Daniel Lutz to see what can be done.

The next regular meeting is scheduled for Thursday, December 1, 2022 at 7:00 pm at the Fire Station. 

A motion to adjourn at 9:09 pm was made by Mr. Daniel Hodge and seconded by Mr. Joseph Rabatin with Mr. Jim Miller concurring.