Record of Proceedings October 3, 2024


The minutes of the meeting held October 3, 2024.


Also present were:

                    Jim Zimmerman                Dave Compston

                    Gary Rogers                     Joel Bender

                    Ron Maxwell

Mr. Jim Miller called the regular meeting to order at 6:45 pm.

The Board signed checks and po’s.

A motion to approve the September 5, 2024 regular meeting minutes was made by Mr. Jim Miller and seconded by Mr. Daniel Hodge with Mr. Joseph Rabatin concurring.

Mr. Gary Rogers with the Apple Creek Historical Society asked the Board to take pictures for the Historical Society.

Mr. Joel Bender with Whitaker Myers Group went over the Ohio Plan Renewal information and the VFIS renewal information. 

After discussion a motion to stay with the current deductibles for Ohio Plan and approve the annual premium of $11,653.00 was made by Mr. Joseph Rabatin and seconded by Mr. Daniel Hodge with Mr. Jim Miller concurring.

A motion to approve the VFIS annual premium of $21,158.00 was made by Mr. Jim Miller and seconded by Mr. Joseph Rabatin with Mr. Daniel Hodge concurring.

The Fiscal Officer presented the Board with the Ambulance Supplemental Payment Program information from Ohio Billing for review.

The Fiscal Officer asked the status of the Ohio Plan Risk Management review of the cemeteries.  Mr. Daniel Hodge informed the Board that there are about 9 spiral monuments over 6 feet tall with crushed stone base which keeps them stable.  Mr. Hodge further informed the Board that there are disclaimers posted stating warning monuments may be unstable enter at your own risk.

The Board approve sick leave for Mr. Dave Compston on September 17, 2024 and September 25, 2024.


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A motion to approve Resolution 24-2024 as follows was made by Mr. Joseph Rabatin.

A Resolution of Approval to amend the appropriations within a fund by modifying the following appropriations from one account to another within the fund:

From:  Account Number                    Amount           To:      Account Number            Amount

Fund:  FIRE DISTRICT FUND                              

2111-760-740-0000    $72,000.00                              2111-760-720-000                  $72,000.00

Machinery, Equipment & Furniture                           Buildings

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Total                                       $72,000.00

To cover the new roof on the Station.

It was seconded by Mr. Jim Miller

A roll call vote was taken:

          Joseph Rabatin       YES

Daniel Hodge          YES

          Jim Miller                YES

A motion to pass Resolution 25-2024 as follows was made by Mr. Daniel Hodge.

A Resolution of Approval to amend the appropriations within a fund by modifying the following appropriations from one account to another within the fund:

From:  Account Number                    Amount           To:      Account Number            Amount

Fund:  FIRE DISTRICT FUND                              

2111-760-740-0000    $ 50.00                                    2111-220-222-0000                $ 50.00

Machinery, Equipment & Furniture                           Life Insurance

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Total                                       $ 50.00

To cover first half 2025 life insurance.

It was seconded by Mr. Jim Miller


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A roll call vote was taken:

          Daniel Hodge          YES

          Jim Miller                YES

          Joseph Rabatin       YES

A motion to approve Resolution 26-2024 as follows was made by Mr. Daniel Hodge.

WHEREAS, the Board of Trustees approve all then and now purchase order dated September 7, 2024 through October 3, 2024 totaling $90,588.64.

It was seconded by Mr. Jim Miller.

A roll call vote was taken:

          Daniel Hodge          YES

          Jim Miller                YES

          Joseph Rabatin       YES

A motion to approve the 2025 Medical Insurance Rate of $2,384.67 and Dental Rates of $175.45 a month per person was made by Mr. Daniel Hodge and seconded by Mr. Jim Miller with Mr. Joseph Rabatin concurring.

A motion to approve receipts totaling $39,126.37 warrants 12758 – 12806 totaling $101,477.20 less a squad billing refund of $270.00 for total expenditures of $101,207.20 and bank reconciliation and financial reports as submitted was made by Mr. Daniel Hodge and seconded by Mr. Jim Miller with Mr. Joseph Rabatin concurring.

Chief Zimmerman informed the Board he had not had time to tally the September numbers yet.

A motion to approve $295.00 in fire supplies for pager batteries was made by Mr. Daniel Hodge and seconded by Mr. Jim Miller with Mr. Joseph Rabatin concurring.

Chief Zimmerman informed the Board that the Station started getting brown water again so they were working with Flinner’s to determine what needs to be done.


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Chief Zimmerman informed the Board that 101 has an intermittent air leak and Supthen will look at it next week when they come in.

Chief Zimmerman informed the Board that Mr. Cody Knox resigned from the Department after five years of service.  Chief Zimmerman Thanked Mr. Knox for his service to the Department.

Chief Zimmerman informed the Board that on October 16, 2024 Bad Day Training was coming in to do a gas detector training through Wayne County EMA and the Department would get to keep the gas meter.

Chief Zimmerman informed the Board that on October 30, 2024 they will hold an Ohio Fire Academy Fire Behavior Lab training with Mr. Michael Raymond.

Mr. Jim Miller informed the Board that the ORC will be requiring each park to have an AED.  Discussion was held regarding how this would work with everything being outside.  It was decided to table until further review from the State as to requirements.

Mr. Dave Compston presented the Road and Bridge and Buildings and Grounds report.

The Board approve road bores at 6360 E. Messner Road and 6170 E. Messner Rd.

Discussion was held regarding the need to order stone.  After discussion a motion to order 1,800 ton of #67 stone and 300 ton of soft #8 stone was made by Mr. Daniel Hodge and seconded by Mr. Joseph Rabatin with Mr. Jim Miller concurring.

A motion to approve up to $1,000.00 for Schmetzler Detailing to detail the pickup and the 15 dump and possibly the 18-dump truck for the Garage was made by Mr. Jim Miller and seconded by Mr. Daniel Hodge with Mr. Joseph Rabatin concurring.

Mr. Compston informed the Board that the concession stand was winterized and that he changed all the lights to LED lighting.

Mr. Compston informed the Board that the Ventrac was having issued going into weight transfer and it also needs serviced so the approximate repair is $1,000.00.  After discussion Mr. Compston was instructed to get pricing for a new Ventrac and trading in the current one.

Mr. Compston informed the Board that the 18 dump needs to go to Yoder Hydraulics to get all the hydraulic leaks repaired.


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Mr. Compston informed the Board he would like to auction the 2014 Western Star dump truck, the old roll gate spreader, the one-way plow for the grader and the 2024 aluminum bumper on Auctions International.  After discussion it was decided to see if a Company would be interested in the 2024 aluminum bumper. 

Park Planning – Mr. Joseph Rabatin informed the Board that there was a Community Service person working up at the Park working off their 20 hours of service.  A motion to approve up to $200.00 for landscaping material was made by Mr. Jim Miller and seconded by Mr. Daniel Hodge with Mr. Joseph Rabatin concurring.

JEDD II – Nothing to report, the next meeting is scheduled for October 9, 2024 at 6:00 pm.

JEDD I – Nothing to report.

Chairman Jim Miller signed the title for the auctioned engine and it was notarized by the Fiscal Officer.

A motion to resend Resolution 2024-16 was made by Mr. Joseph Rabatin.

It was seconded by Mr. Jim Miller

A roll call vote was taken:

          Joseph Rabatin       YES

          Jim Miller                YES

          Daniel Hodge          YES

Mr. Joseph Rabatin informed the Board we maybe able to get up to $2,500.00 grant for the recycling area and he would look into it.

The next regular meeting is scheduled for Thursday, November 7, 2024 at 6:45 pm at the Fire Station.  There will be a Records Retention meeting at 6:30 pm before the regular meeting.  

A motion to adjourn at 8:59 pm was made by Mr. Jim Miller and seconded by Mr. Joseph Rabatin with Mr. Daniel Hodge concurring.