Record of Proceedings October 5, 2023


The minutes of the meeting held October 5, 2023.


Also present were:

          Dave Compston                                    Jim Zimmerman

          Ivan Schlabach

The regular meeting was called to order by Mr. Joseph Rabatin at 6:59 pm.

A motion to approve the September 7, 2023 regular meeting minutes was made by Mr. Jim Miller and seconded by Mr. Joseph Rabatin.

Mr. Ivan Schlabach informed the Board he would like to do dugouts at the Legion field.  After discussion Mr. Schlabach was instructed to bring drawing/plans to the Board for review.  Mr. Schlabach was also instructed to have anyone who wants to use the field bring their requests to the Board for approval.

The Fiscal Officer presented the Board with the OTARMA Update.

The Fiscal Officer presented the Board with the October Grassroots Clipping.

The Fiscal Officer presented the Board with the Retrack recycling grant changes.

A motion to pass Resolution 21-2023 as follows was made by Mr. Jim Miller.

A Resolution of Approval to amend the appropriations within a fund by modifying the following appropriations from one account to another within the fund:

From:  Account Number                    Amount           To:      Account Number            Amount

Fund:  GENERAL FUND                            

1000-760-740-0000    $1,400.00                                1000-110-381-000                  $1,400.00

Machinery, Equipment & Furniture                           Property Insurance Premiums

                                                                                    Total                                       $1,400.00

To cover Property Insurance Premiums.


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2031-330-420-0100    $10,000.00                              2031-330-323-0000                $10,000.00

Operating Supplies General                                       Repairs and Maintenance

                                                                                    Total                                       $10,000.00     

To cover repairs and maintenance through the end of the year.

It was seconded by Mr. Joseph Rabatin.

A roll call vote was taken:

          Jim Miller                YES

          Joseph Rabatin       YES

A motion to approve receipts totaling $36,717.11, warrants 12195 – 12232 totaling $74,460.86 and bank reconciliation and financial reports as submitted was made by Mr. Jim Miller and seconded by Mr. Joseph Rabatin.

Chief Zimmerman reported 26 squad runs, 5 fire runs, and 2 mutual aid for a total of 200 run hours for September 2023 with an additional 36 training hours for September 2023.

Chief Zimmerman informed the Board that Assistant Chief Dave Compston took care of the mobile home arson fire scene and planning the grain bin training done by the Department and had done a great job.

A motion to approve $145.00 for squad supplies was made by Mr. Joseph Rabatin and seconded by Mr. Jim Miller.

Chief Zimmerman informed the Board that the new doors were delivered today at the Station and are scheduled to be installed next week.

Chief Zimmerman informed the Board that the parking lot sealing was finished.

Chief Zimmerman informed the Board that the gutter at the Station need replaced but he was not having any success finding replacement gutters.  Chief Zimmerman further informed the Board he got a price for sealing all the seams and joint and replacing the gutter on the front of the Station.  After discussion a motion to approve $750.00 for Miller Custom Exteriors to just seal the seams and joints and not replace the gutter on the front of the Station was made by Mr. Jim Miller and seconded by Mr. Joseph Rabatin.


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Chief Zimmerman informed the Board that the backup squad was scheduled to have the upper and lower ball joints and get aligned at Okeys next week.

Chief Zimmerman informed the Board that he had Heritage come up on Tuesday to repair the leaks causing the failed pump test on 102.  He further informed the Board that they will be coming back next Thursday to repair and replace the primer pump and repack the pump

Chief Zimmerman informed the Board that he would be teaching another Stop the Bleed class at the teacher in-service on October 13, 2023.

Chief Zimmerman informed the Board he did fire inspections on the buildings at Southeast Local Schools.

Chief Zimmerman informed the Board that Monday, October 9, 2023 is fire prevention at all of the schools and requested to move his Columbus Day holiday to another time.

Chief Zimmerman informed the Board that Trick or Treat was scheduled for Saturday, October 28, 2023 and the Department would be helping with traffic.

Chief Zimmerman presented two quotes for auto detailing for all of the fire vehicles as follows:

                    Tysons Auto Works                     $4,000.00

                    Schmeltzer’s Auto Detailing          $2,550.00

After discussion a motion to approve $2,550.00 for Schmeltzer’s Auto Detailing and start with the engine and one squad to see how it goes was made by Mr. Jim Miller and seconded by Mr. Joseph Rabatin.

A motion to approve the Ohio Billing rates and audit information was made by Mr. Jim Miller and Mr. Joseph Rabatin.

Mr. Dave Compston presented the Roads and Bridges and Buildings and Grounds report.  The Board approved the Secrest Road ditch enclosure.

Mr. Compston informed the Board that the trucks need serviced then he planned to take them to Goods to get oiled.

Mr. Compston informed the Board he took the pickup truck to Dale James for service.

A motion to approve Mr. Dave Compston’s Road Superintendent Bond was made by Mr. Joseph Rabatin and seconded by Mr. Jim Miller.


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Mr. Dave Compston thanked Chief Jim Zimmerman for all his help with the road work being down short on part time help.

Park Planning – Mr. Joseph Rabatin informed the Board that received an email about the grant he applied for and we are still in the running.

JEDD II – Mr. Jim Miller informed the Board that he attended the meeting on October 4, 2023 and was informed the Prosecutor sent the let the letter to the Sherriff’s Office and had received no response.  The next meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, January, 10, 2024 at 6:00 pm at the Village of Apple Creek hall.

The next regular meeting will be Thursday, November 2, 2023 at 7:00 pm at the Fire Station.

A motion to adjourn at 8:22 pm was made by Mr. Jim Miller and seconded by Mr. Joseph Rabatin.