The minutes of the meeting held September 3, 2020.
Also present were:
Steve Geiser Jim Zimmerman
Dave Compston Ryan Marthey
Mr. Joseph Rabatin called the regular meeting to order at 7:00 pm.
Mr. Joseph Rabatin informed the Board that Mr. Daniel Hodge was feeling up to taking over as Chairman of the Board again.
A motion to approve the August 6, 2020 regular meeting minutes was made by Mr. Blake Meier and seconded by Mr. Joseph Rabatin, with Mr. Daniel Hodge concurring.
Mr. Ryan Marthey the Highway and Drainage Engineer for Wayne County addressed the Board regarding options for drainage in Eastwood Allotment. Mr. Daniel Hodge reminded the Board that an income survey to try to get grant money was done in 2016 by Wayne County and again in 2018 by the East Union Township Trustees. Mr. Hodge further stated that these surveys had nothing to do with Section 8 HUD Housing but was only done to try to secure grant money to deal with the drainage issues in the allotment. Mr. Hodge further informed the Board that the average income for the allotment was high enough from those who participated that grant money could not be utilized. Mr. Ryan Marthey outlined several other options but after discussion, the Board decided it was cost prohibitive to the Township and the residents of Eastwood Allotment to take any further action at this time and more research was needed.
Mr. Joseph Rabatin asked Mr. Marthey if any discussion had been held with Speedway regarding taking over Bixler Street. Mr. Marthey stated he did not know of any discussion but he would bring the request to Mr. Scott Miller the Wayne County Engineer.
A motion to vacate Bixler Street and have Speedway do all the improvements on Vine Street was made by Mr. Joseph Rabatin and seconded by Mr. Blake Meier with Mr. Daniel Hodge concurring.
Mr. Joseph Rabatin informed the Board that Mr. Scott Schlegal with Countryside asked Mr. Compston about returning a portion of Meadowview Lane back into a private drive but he had not contacted any of the Trustees regarding this.
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Discussion was held regarding large ditch repairs and Mr. Marthey stated that the Township could work with the County if that need came up. Mr. Marthey stated the Township would cover the material cost and the County would do the labor and installation on large culvert projects.
The Fiscal Officer presented the September Grassroots Clipping.
The Fiscal Officer presented the Ohio Plan Annual report.
The Fiscal Officer informed the Board that the Ohio Plan renewal was coming in October and that Mr. Joel Bender was planning to attend the October to go over the renewal. The Fiscal Officer further informed the Board that Chief Jim Zimmerman had been added on the Ohio Plan as a valid driver of Township vehicles and that if a department member occasionally drove a Township vehicle that would also be covered.
Discussion was held regarding the Cares Act Funding and after discussion, the Board decided not to request those funds.
A motion to pass the Resolution Accepting the Rates and Amounts approved by the Budget Commission was made by Mr. Blake Meier and seconded by Mr. Joseph Rabatin with Mr. Daniel Hodge concurring.
Discussion was held regarding the Ohio Plan recommendations for risk management. The Fiscal Officer was instructed to resend the email with the recommendations.
The Board approved sick leave for Mr. Dave Compston on August 18, 2020.
A motion to approve receipts totaling $411,427.67 warrants 10398 – 10437 totaling $102,883.62 plus payments to the Wayne County Auditor of $19,308.04 less a $1,025.00 refund payment for a double payment on a squad billing charge for total expenditures of $121,166.66 and bank reconciliation and financial reports as submitted. A motion to approve as submitted was made by Mr. Daniel Hodge and seconded by Mr. Joseph Rabatin with Mr. Blake Meier concurring.
Chief Zimmerman reported 22 squad runs, 4 fire runs, and 1 mutual aid for 146.00 run hours for August 2020 with an additional 93 training hours for August 2020.
A motion to approve squad supplies of $146.63, and fire supplies of $330.00 was made by Mr. Joseph Rabatin and seconded by Mr. Daniel Hodge with Mr. Blake Meier concurring.
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Chief Zimmerman informed the Board that one of the portable handheld MARCS radios had a screen that went blank and it would cost $520.00 to replace the screen as the radio is out of warranty. A motion to approve repair of the screen for $550.00 was made by Mr. Daniel Hodge and seconded by Mr. Joseph Rabatin with Mr. Blake Meier concurring.
Chief Zimmerman informed the Board that MCTV had made the switch to their internet and phone service last week from Century Link. Chief Zimmerman further informed the Board that Mr. Cody Knox has been helping with all of the IT to make the switch.
Chief Zimmerman informed the Board that he did look into switch the service for the Township Garage from Century Link to MCTV and for 25 mb and one phone line it would be $99.04 and basic cable our be $114.62, but for $400.00 – $500.00 we could do a bridge modem to hook the Garage into the Station . A motion to approve up to $550.00 to bridge the Station and the Township together was made by Mr. Daniel Hodge and seconded by Mr. Blake Meier with Mr. Joseph Rabatin concurring.
Chief Zimmerman informed the Board that pump test was done and that 102 failed but 101 passed. Chief Zimmerman further informed the Board that 102 was taken to Heritage Fire Equipment for repair of the packing and other issues and it cost $2,166.28. A motion to approve repair of 102 for $2,166.28 to Heritage Fire Equipment was made by Mr. Daniel Hodge and seconded by Mr. Joseph Rabatin with Mr. Blake Meier concurring.
Chief Zimmerman informed the Board that CorBon did not renew their lease for the property owned by Mr. Jim Buss and had moved to Mount Gilead. Chief Zimmerman further informed the Board he would be meeting with Mr. Jim Buss and someone from Habitat for Humanity to do a building inspection and go over what issues need to be repaired.
A motion to approve a five-year contract with South Central Fire District was made by Mr. Joseph Rabatin and seconded by Mr. Daniel Hodge with Mr. Blake Meier concurring.
Chief Zimmerman expressed his issues with Steve Geiser questioning his time off and displeasure over the way the change of the handbook was handled, and how the Board handled their issue with attendance. After discussion, the Board stated that they did not have any issues with Chief Zimmerman’s attendance and notification of the need for time off when necessary.
Mr. Dave Compston and Mr. Steve Geiser presented the Roads and Bridges and Buildings and Grounds report. The Board approved a road bore permit on Kansas Road.
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Mr. Dave Compston informed the Board that on Cutter Road by Spring Run School the fence installed was too close to the road and that he has tried to contact the resident but has been unsuccessful. Mr. Compston stated that he would try again but someone may need to stop out and see them.
Mr. Compston thanked everyone for their help on Phase Two of the walking path.
Mr. Compston informed the Board that all the stone had been delivered.
Discussion was held regarding Mr. Steve Geiser’s work schedule next week when Mr. Compston is on vacation. After discussion Mr. Geiser was instructed to check messages, check the roads several times, mow and remove a fence.
Mr. Dave Compston informed the Board that they need to put in the budget to add on to the salt shed because we are not using cinders we need more storage. After discussion Mr. Compston was instructed to start getting prices and see what options are out there.
Discussion was held regarding possibly doing something with the fuel and diesel tanks at the Garage and moving them up by the storage shed. Mr. Compston was instructed to check into options.
Mr. Blake Meier informed the Board that phase two of the walking path was completed in two day. Mr. Meier stated the Park Planning Committee would like to thank everyone who helped with the project. Mr. Meier further informed the Board that Phase three is more of beautifying up the area and adding some benches.
Mr. Joseph Rabatin informed the Board there was nothing to report on JEDD II.
Mr. Daniel Hodge informed the Board that JEDD I has not had any meetings and they should have two meetings a year so he would check into that.
Mr. Daniel Hodge informed the Board he attended the zoom meeting for Lowe and Young and AT&F Metals Enterprise Zone Agreements and that they are all in compliance wo we will continue with the agreement. Mr. Hodge stated he was unable to attend the JAWS Enterprise Zone Agreement meeting.
Mr. Daniel Hodge informed the Board he received a call regarding drainage issues along East Lincolnway at Lincoln Interiors. Mr. Hodge stated he looked at the area and there was excavation being done so he will stop and talk to them and see what is going on.
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The next regular meeting will be Thursday, October 1, 2020 at 7:00 pm at the East Union Township Fire Station.
A motion to adjourn at 9:30 pm was made by Mr. Joseph Rabatin and seconded by Mr. Blake Meier with Mr. Daniel Hodge concurring.