Record of proceedings March 5, 2020


The minutes of the meeting held March 5, 2020.


Also present were:

            Dave Compston                               Steve Geiser

            Jim Zimmerman                               Jeff Sampsel

Mr. Joseph Rabatin called the regular meeting to order at 7:00 pm.

A motion to postpone the approval of the February 11, 2020 regular meeting minutes until the next regular meeting because Mr. Blake Meier was not present at that meeting and Mr. Daniel Hodge is not present at this meeting was made by Mr. Joseph Rabatin and seconded by Mr. Blake Meier.

The Board opened road bids from the following companies:

            Melway Paving                     Holmes Supply

            Leroy Kandel Trucking       Lil John Transport

            Feikert Sand and Gravel

A motion to pass Resolution 05-2020 as follows was made by Mr. Blake Meier.

WHEREAS, the Board of East Union Township to comply with ORC 9.312(C), has been granted the authority to enact the following resolution:


That the Board of East Union Township hereby declares to accept any and all road bids presented at the 2020 bid opening, and proceed to work with the lowest and best bid at the time roadwork begins.

It was seconded by Mr. Joseph Rabatin.

A roll call vote was taken:

            Blake Meier               YES

            Joseph Rabatin        YES

The Fiscal Officer presented the Board with the 2020 Certificate of Estimated Resources after combining the EMS Fund into the Fire District Fund from the Wayne County Auditor.

The Fiscal Officer presented the March Grassroots Clipping, and asked them to read the article about the FMCSA Clearing House that the Township will need to register.


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The Fiscal Officer presented the Board with the OTARMA Update.

A motion to pass Resolution 06-2020 to approve permanent appropriations as follows was made by Mr. Joseph Rabatin.

            General Fund                                                           $  233,500.00

            Motor Vehicle License Tax                                     $  126,000.00

            Gasoline Tax                                                             $  276,000.00

            Road & Bridge                                                          $  678,000.00

            Fire District                                                                $  847,000.00

            Permissive Motor Vehicle License Tax                $  109,000.00

            Ambulance & Emergency Medical Services       $  104,138.59

            Total Permanent Appropriations                           $2,408,138.59

It was seconded by Mr. Blake Meier.

A roll call vote was taken:

            Joseph Rabatin        YES

            Blake Meier               YES

A motion to approve amending the Resolution number 03-2020 to 04-2020 as follows was made by Mr. Joseph Rabatin.

WHEREAS, the Board of Trustees has received approval from the Ohio Tax Commissioner to allow the authorization to transfer the entire balance of the EMS Fund 2281 and estimated 2020 revenue into the Fire District Fund to bring the Board into compliance with ORC 505.84 which states that all charges being collected pursuant to either and/or both Fire and EMS levies should be collected into one Fire and EMS Fund 2111.  FURTHERMORE, the Board of Trustees states that no injury will result from the transfer of such funds.  WHEREAS, because of approval of the combining of the Funds, the Board approves to submit a request to amend the Certificate of Estimated Resources and Supplemental Appropriations to the Wayne County Auditor.

It was seconded by Mr. Blake Meier.

A roll call vote was taken:

            Joseph Rabatin        YES

            Blake Meier               YES

A motion to accept the Bond and Oath of Office for Fiscal Officer Valorie Lewis for the term beginning April 1, 2020 was made by Mr. Blake Meier and seconded by Mr. Joseph Rabatin.


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The Fiscal Officer informed the Board they received a donation of $7,220.10 from the Amish Steering Committee to be used for roadwork.  A motion to approve the ORC 5501.33 report to be sent to the Amish Steering Committee was made by Mr. Blake Meier and seconded by Mr. Joseph Rabatin.

A motion to approve receipts totaling $47,143.98 warrants 10134 – 10174 totaling $44,798.60 and bank reconciliation and financial reports as submitted was made by Mr. Joseph Rabatin it was seconded by Mr. Blake Meier.

Chief Zimmerman reported 35 squad runs, 6 fire runs, and 5 mutual aid for a total of 207.00 run hours for February 2020 with an additional 56 additional training hours for February 2020.

The Fiscal Officer presented an updated Employee Manual; Chief Zimmerman requested the Board review the cashing in on sick leave at retirement on page 27 to allow for the difference in the hours worked per week between the Road Department and the Fire Department.

A motion to approve squad supplies of $426.07 was made by Mr. Joseph Rabatin and seconded by Mr. Blake Meier.

Chief Zimmerman informed the Board he had ordered an inverter for 101 to charge the new battery operated extrication tools for approximately $800.00 and that he and Assistant Chief Compston would install it on the truck.

Chief Zimmerman further informed the Board that he ordered a new valve/actuator from 101’s front suction for approximately $600.00.

Chief Zimmerman informed the Board that the new extrication tools are in service.

Chief Zimmerman informed the Board that the handle on the South man door is acting up and that he was looking into other replacement options.

Chief Zimmerman informed the Board that new 108 is fully in service and that old 108 left last week for its new home in New York.  Mr. Joseph Rabatin informed the Board that the truck sold at auction for $21,200.00 

Chief Zimmerman informed the Board he would be placing the annual filter order during NAPA’s sale and that annual truck service would be scheduled with DMS Repair.

Chief Zimmerman informed the Board that Dr. Kevin Miller would be coming in March for EMS training.


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Chief Zimmerman informed the Board that extrication tool familiarization would be the March training for Fire.

Chief Zimmerman informed the Board he has one department in EMT class and one department member in Fire Fighter 2 class.

Chief Zimmerman informed the Board he was able to secure a few extra boxes of N95 masks and are encouraging good hygiene and sanitation measures with department members.

Mr. Dave Compston and Mr. Steve Geiser presented the Road and Bridge and Building and Grounds report.

Mr. Compston informed the Board that Lil John will be able to start getting #67 limestone and he would mix them in with the #57’s.

Mr. Compston informed the Board they had got more sand and grits and refilled the shed and they would be getting more salt.

Mr. Joseph Rabatin informed the Road Department that he had won an iPad at the winter conference and he was donating it to the Road Department for their use.

Mr. Joseph Rabatin passed out ORC 4939.04 regarding road right of way work.

Mr. Joseph Rabatin informed the Board that the ACYAA would be stringing out the softball field so the walking track could be laid out.

Mr. Steve Geiser informed the Board that the mower was ordered and should be delivered in April and that he included an extra set of knives with the order.

Mr. Joseph Rabatin informed the Board that two new flashing stop signs have been installed at the intersection of Carr Road and Emerson Road.  Mr. Rabatin stated he would like to thank the County Engineer for getting them installed.

Discussion was held regarding another shred day, and that no decision would be made until all the Trustees are in attendance.

Mr. Joseph Rabatin informed the Board there is a meeting scheduled for Monday, March 9, 2020 at 3:00 pm with the County and representatives from Speedway, and that it looks like construction would not begin until next year.

JEDD II no report.


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Mr. Joseph Rabatin informed the Board that Palmer Energy would go out for bids for natural gas soon.

Mr. Jeff Sampsel informed the Board he would like to raise the mowing prices by $25.00 per mowing.  A motion to approve the 2020 cemetery mowing prices as follows was made by Mr. Blake Meier.

            Bodine Cemetery                 14 mowing’s at $28.00 per mowing

            Carr Road Cemetery           14 mowing’s at $40.00 per mowing

            Tracey Cemetery                  22 mowing’s at $90.00 per mowing

            ACDC Cemetery                  22 mowing’s at $155.00 per mowing

            Headstone repair                 $25.00 per headstone plus material

It was seconded by Mr. Joseph Rabatin.

Mr. Blake Meier informed the Board he attended the Wayne County Health Department District Meeting and that they did have a quorum.

Chief Zimmerman informed the Board that State Representative Scott Wiggam had taken some heat for not voting for a bill for PSTD for fire fighters and had responded with a letter stating he is for PTSD treatment, but was against giving BWC the authority to manage it.  He further stated we want the Ohio Department of Safety to manage those funds.

The next regular meeting will be Thursday, April 2, 2020 at 7:00 pm at the Fire Station.

A motion to adjourn at 8:31 pm was made by Mr. Joseph Rabatin and seconded by Mr. Blake Meier.

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